Monday, January 30, 2017

Basic Elements of website HTML

The <header> element represents a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links.

The <body> element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, etc.

The <footer> tag defines a footer for a document or section
The <sidebars> can be used with any content, in most cases, sidebars are used with inverted vertical   menu .

Monday, January 16, 2017

                       My Christmas Vacation

Hi to my fellow blogger i write this post so that you are able to know what am i doing during my Christmas vacation. First of all i feel happy because it's the season of advent that we catholic believes that our messiah was born. We knew when that season comes we are busy by going to church early in other terms we call it Mesa De Gallo.That's my first duty in my christmas vacation.

When we say  Christmas vacation there is something into our mind that we are happy, excited, amaze, and etc. Because we know that during that time there will be no class and we as astudent we are freely to do what we want for example playing computer, playing basketball, surfing in the internet, and etc. But most of all i just surfing, reading books, and sometimes playing basketball to make me sweat.

During the Christmas me and my family making some simple dishes and we just go to church to celebrate and giving thanks to God for all the graces and miracles that he gave into our family. After that we go home and celebrate the Christmas happily. I feel the essence of christmas in that even our family not complete because my sibling was not able to go home she is far far away from home.

After the night of Christmas i  feel tired and clingy so that i make fun and I'll do crazy things to make myself happy. I also hanging with my friends going anywhere to utilize the time that  there is no class. We are touring in the mountain side  and cold spring we just have fun there, it is one of the best day of my life. And that is my story during my Christmas vacation 2016 hope you enjoy to read it. God bless us all!!!

Monday, January 9, 2017


I`m a man of vision and i know i`m not smarter in school but in reality i can handle and deal with it. But when i read books and some facts i have a new knowledge that in near future i realize that its a big deal with me.
I’m a big subscriber to using whatever you can find to work out: pullups on trees, throw big boulders, flip logs or big tires, jump over things, sprint up hills.
Im more imagining Before the start of WWI, Austria-Hungary’s leader, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand ordered for Austria to take over Bosnia. Once it was conquered, he took a tour of the country and was assassinated in Sarajevo by Serbian extremists. Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, is scheduled to take a tour of Crimea, Ukraine. Earlier in the month, Russia invaded Crimea. Is this by luck or is it about to be the start of WWIII?

The second reason why WWIII is on the verge of starting is invasion. During WWI, Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia. Earlier this year, Russia took over Crimea, which is part of the Ukraine. This is a problem because if the Ukrainians feel threatened, their allies will help and it will cause lots of problems.

The final reason of why WWIII is on the verge of starting is the arms race. Before WWI, all the countries were trying to build up their navies. In today’s era, ever since the cold war, countries have been trying to build their stock hold of nuclear weapons. If war broke out, there would be weapons of mass destruction flying around the airways like planes.

All in all, the circumstances are right for war. Today, Russia is setting up for WWIII. If all goes well, we’ll stop WWIII before it starts. The main three circumstances for war are the tour of a conquered country, invasion, and arms race. Let’s just hope and pray that WWIII can hold off for a long time.