Monday, January 16, 2017

                       My Christmas Vacation

Hi to my fellow blogger i write this post so that you are able to know what am i doing during my Christmas vacation. First of all i feel happy because it's the season of advent that we catholic believes that our messiah was born. We knew when that season comes we are busy by going to church early in other terms we call it Mesa De Gallo.That's my first duty in my christmas vacation.

When we say  Christmas vacation there is something into our mind that we are happy, excited, amaze, and etc. Because we know that during that time there will be no class and we as astudent we are freely to do what we want for example playing computer, playing basketball, surfing in the internet, and etc. But most of all i just surfing, reading books, and sometimes playing basketball to make me sweat.

During the Christmas me and my family making some simple dishes and we just go to church to celebrate and giving thanks to God for all the graces and miracles that he gave into our family. After that we go home and celebrate the Christmas happily. I feel the essence of christmas in that even our family not complete because my sibling was not able to go home she is far far away from home.

After the night of Christmas i  feel tired and clingy so that i make fun and I'll do crazy things to make myself happy. I also hanging with my friends going anywhere to utilize the time that  there is no class. We are touring in the mountain side  and cold spring we just have fun there, it is one of the best day of my life. And that is my story during my Christmas vacation 2016 hope you enjoy to read it. God bless us all!!!